Thursday, August 4, 2011

Finding the balance....

I am not sure why the sudden urge has hit me to write again all of a sudden, but it has. This urge has been building like the water behind a poorly built damn with small trickles of water or inspiration in my case struggling to break free and flow across a piece of paper (OK well a computer screen since my penmanship sucks). Strangely enough this sudden urge rushes forward within me to write and it gets in the way of all the other MUST DO things that are on my list. This list I speak of, which I am sure it is the same as most people, includes a litany of things such as; Family, Work, Farm, Daily chores, and the all important holy grail of getting enough Sleep. With all of the things already on my to do list finding the quiet time to write just always seems to be just out of my reach. Some things are not worth putting to paper and there are others, a funny story, poetry, or process and goals that really need to have their place saved for later reference which does not include bouncing around in my already crowded conciseness and daily routine. Walking down the street this week to run some necessary errand, the thought flew through my brain as to how many totally different and unrelated things crossed through my thought process in that short 4 block walk. It was like displaying a PowerPoint presentation in 5 seconds intervals; the project at work that needs finishing, calling Don to see how his day is going, starting a journal as to the slow progress I am making in Murder's training (my horse Murderinthefirst), raging war on the weeds growing under the fence line coming down the driveway, is Genna really interested in showing, don't forget to pick up the chlorine tablets for the pool today, wonder how much it is going to cost to get the patures bush hogged this season, why in the world is the woman I just passed wearing that outfit.... did she not have a full length mirror this morning before she walked out the door? Those are just the ones I remembered off the top of my head, I am sure their were many more equally as absurd and non-related. How is anyone supposed to keep focus with such random thoughts firing through the synapses?? I wonder if I am the only one, I certainly hope not. Historically my inspiration has come out in the form of poetry, some good some bad but all of it from deep recess of my soul that has festered its way to the surface. Festered is such a negative word.... well looking up the synonyms didn't help either, they were all equally as negative and not a bit flowery so we will stick with festered. Circling back around to the whole balancing act that is my life. I have a beautiful family, a daughter that I adore and love, a man that I deeply love and appreciate, and quirky circle of  family and friends that love me even if at times they don't understand me. I tend to divide my life in to quadrants Family (includes Genna, Don, parents, siblings and friends), Career , Farm, Financial, finally and probably the most important is the circle of faith around all 4 of those quadrants. I do exceptionally well if I can keep the balance going between the 4. If one is out of whack well that is OK too because nothing is ever perfect but if two or more of these things get out of whack.... watch out. Of course each quadrant has it's sub-divisions as well but that list is for another day, and certainly more coffee with added time to describe. Maybe this little 15 minute break of typing my thoughts will give my mind the reprieve it needs to keep my eye on the many goals I wish to achieve and give some weight as to the importance of each of those things. However if the dam totally breaks watch out! There is no telling what the overflow and outpouring may be. You have already seen a glimsp of what goes through my mind while walking down the street. Imagine the elaboration on each of those thoughts... it could go on for days. I think I have plugged the hole for now. I don't think Ducttape, baling twine or fencing wire will fix this one though... For those of you who know me these are my three favorite (YOU CAN FIX ANYTHING) must haves...

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